

13384 Uppsatser om Work- life balance - Sida 1 av 893

Vård av arbete : En undersökning om work-life-balance, jämställdhet och genus

Abstract"The Care of Work" is a study whose background comes from the problems surrounding work-life balance and equality that permeates social debates today. The problematic work-life-balance and gender equality are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not men and women have a satisfactory work-life balance and if the organization they work for is doing something to make their life puzzles function. Last, but not least, the purpose is to see if gender equality is in the interest of the individual or the state.The study is based on work-life balance, gender equality and gender as the theoretical frames of reference. Eight respondents, four men and four women, from established IT companies were interviewed.

Ger det fria arbetet frihet : En studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv

This qualitative study treats the construction and maintenance of balance between work and private life and how flexibility in the workplace is perceived. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and these have been conducted in five large companies around Gothenburg. The analysis and results are based on the phenomenographic method approach and the final results were four themes: Balance, Flexibility, Combining family and work and lifelong learning with related subcategories. The result shows that the construction and maintenance of balance between work and personal life is something that is tied to the indi-viduals and the current situation in life. Two of the most common strategies to maintain a dis-tinction proved to be planning as well as other activities, in order to move the focus away from the work.

Jobbgarantin för ungdomar : En studie kring deltagarnas upplevelse av jobbgarantin för ungdomar

Abstract"The Care of Work" is a study whose background comes from the problems surrounding work-life balance and equality that permeates social debates today. The problematic work-life-balance and gender equality are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not men and women have a satisfactory work-life balance and if the organization they work for is doing something to make their life puzzles function. Last, but not least, the purpose is to see if gender equality is in the interest of the individual or the state.The study is based on work-life balance, gender equality and gender as the theoretical frames of reference. Eight respondents, four men and four women, from established IT companies were interviewed.

Balans i arbetet, balans i livet : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslivets inverkan på privatlivet

This study focuses on work related factors which have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life. Commonly discussed in the daily debate is the so called ?livspusslet?, the time puzzle. The question is: How do you balance the demands from work, family and society? A lot of peoples health and family relations suffers from a stressful situation at work.It?s not hard to figure out that the possible factors which could have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life are many.

Work-Life Balance : En kvantitativ studie av könsskillnader bland civilekonomstudenter

Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as the ability to manage both work-life and non-work life successfully. WLB can be evaluated by examining individual?s experience of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC), both of which can be assessed by a questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996). The aim of this study was to explore if responses to the questionnaire, the amount of time spent on studies, household chores and sick leave, were gender related or not, among civil-accountants students. The survey included 138 respondents (74 woman and 64 men).

Att få tid och rum : Holländska familjers flytt till Värmland sett ur ett work-life balance perspektiv

Det här är en undersökning om holländares val att flytta till Värmland och att starta eget företag sett utifrån ett work-life balance perspektiv. De teorier som har använts är främst work-life balance teorin men även teorier som behandlar flexibilitet, arbete och att starta eget företag återfinns. Inom work-life balance går jag igenom hur olika typer av förändringar i samhället har påverkat och påverkar balansen mellan arbete och fritid. Det tas även upp olika typer av beslut och gensvar som individen kan ta och göra för att motverka obalansen, men dessa individuella beslut är på något sätt relaterade till andra, som till exempel, kommunens gensvar.Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ metod där jag intervjuat nio respondenter i min undersökning. I analys och resultat kapitlet redogör jag för mina upptäckter utifrån den analys jag gjort av mina respondenters berättelser och kopplar det till de teorier jag använt mig av.

Socialarbetarens livspussel - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the various factors that influence the balancebetween the working lives and family lives of social workers. The research questions posedwere: Do social workers consider there is a conflict between their working lives and familylives? Which factors make maintaining a balance between working life and family life moredifficult and which make it easier to do so? How do social workers describe equality betweenthe sexes in their own family? Regarding methodology, the selection method is strategic andcombines data sources with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The material collectedand via online survey, targeted to 120 municipal employees social workers in a district councilin a big city, and through interviews with four social workers in a rural community. The studywas performed using gender theory and the demand-support-control model.

Karriärist javisst! : En kvalitativ studie om fäders upplevelser kring vård av barn

Following is a study of fathers 'experiences of balance between work and home life. The method the researchers used was based on qualitative interviews aimed at describing father?s own experiences and values, which affects them. The researchers chose to specifically study situations where the fathers were faced with situations where their children needed to be cared for in the home because of a cold or similar illness since this is a situation that directly affects the time that was meant for work, but now risk being moved to areas of life that the researchers define as home life. This is to see whether the respondents felt that this situation affected the balance between work- and home life.

Negotiating Work-Life Balance: Working Time Preferences and the European Working Time Directive

This thesis examines why working time preferences differ between workers and nations, and explains the effect of working time regulation and working time flexibility on negotiating work-life balance. In five separate sections the following working time issues are examined: the number of hours worked by workers in Europe; factors affecting individual working time preferences; how working time preferences are negotiated in the national industrial relations systems of Sweden, France and the United Kingdom; how the institutions of the European Union have influenced working time negotiations through the Working Time Directive; and the benefits and practices available to organisations implementing working time flexibility. Broadly this paper views working time preferences as being a highly personal and influenced by factors such as wages, taxation, culture (national and workplace) and non-work responsibilities. It is argued that negotiating a preferred working time pattern is essential to achieving work-life balance and when such a balance is achieved, workers are more healthy, motivated and committed to their employer. Essentially this provides an incentive for businesses to voluntarily implement working time flexibility beyond the regulatory standards..

Kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö & hälsa : - En arbetsplatsanalys av en organisation inom företagshälsovården

The following study explores the relation between psychosocial work environment and individual health. The purpose is to examine how female employees in the occupational health sector experience their own psychosocial work environment, focusing on different influencing factors in both the workplace and their private life regarding the employees own health. The study applies a hermeneutic approach in which qualitative interviews constitute the empirical data. Previous research on this particular subject has focused on the following themes: the combination of work-family life, demand/control model and flexibility in the workplace in relation to health and stress. The theoretical framework used in this study integrates relevant concepts, specifically SOC, poor leadership and flexibility.

Enterprise Mobility: Effekter på den individuella arbetaren. En fallstudie av en mobil affärsapplikation hos ett teknikföretag i Västsverige

Using mobile technology to make ends meet is currently a reality for many people. More and more peopleare working while travelling or work from home. Most knowledge workers are equipped with laptopsand smart phones. To find out how individuals are affected by having the ability to stay continuouslyconnected and work with mobile business applications, we have conducted a case study and in closecooperation with a company have created a prototype of such a mobile business application. Fourindividuals have tested our application and were then interviewed.

Vobb - familjevänligt eller företagsvänligt?

Work gets more seamless and the demand on workers increases because of changes in the labour market. Studies show benefits for workers and companies if the employee achieves a balance between work and family, a way to facilitate it is family-friendly policies. A study done by Unionen shows that three out of four white collar workers choose to vobba (working and caring for a sick child), which blurs the boundaries between work and family. Research on flexibility, organisational culture and gender structures shows how these aspects affect the balance between work and family. This is a study where seven white collar workers (three men) that vobbar and two managers (one man) were interviewed.

Starkare konflikt mellan familjeliv och arbete bland män än bland kvinnor : Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse bland högskoleanställda

Syftet med studien var att bland högskoleanställda undersöka skillnader i Work-Life Balance och arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas kön samt beroende på om deltagarna hade barn under 18 år eller ej. Studien syftade även till att undersöka skillnader i arbetstillfredsställelse beroende på deltagarnas ålder. I studien ingick manliga och kvinnliga högskoleanställda som arbetade minst 80 % och som undervisade och/eller forskade inom den aktuella tjänsten. Studien genomfördes som en web-enkätundersökning på två högskolor i Sverige. Totalt besvarade 125 deltagare på enkäten som utgick ifrån två olika mätinstrument; Netemeyers, Boless och McMurrians (1996) skala som användes för att mäta Work-Life Balance uppdelat på Family-Work Conflict samt Work-Family Conflict och Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) som mätte inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse.

Cefskap och familjeliv - en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefer i socialt arbete

This essay is a qualitative study whose aim is to see how to find a good balance between family life and managership. The result could give concrete proposals on how help can be designed to prospective female managers. The study is based on interviews with eight female managers. The interviews have been inspired by the narrative approach with the focus on how these women have tried to find a balance between management and family life and which obstacles they faced and the support they have had. The results of the study has shown that the support that the woman has been given by their spouse / partner has been one of the best and most important support for her to full fill her mission as being a manager as well as a mother.

Work-life balance och verkstadschefer

En hel del tidigare forskning tyder på att ha en balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv är viktigt för att uppleva ett psykiskt välmående samt för att kunna prestera bra på arbetsplatsen. Då verkstadschefer på ett industriföretag genomgår ett stort förändringsarbete undersöktes hur fem manliga chefer upplevde sin balans mellan privatliv och arbetsliv. Delsyften med studien var att undersöka hur chefens roll i privatlivet påverkade balansen, i vilken grad stöd hemifrån påverkade balansen samt vilka konsekvenser en balans eller konflikt skulle kunna få. Studien genomfördes kvalitativt, med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide, där samtliga respondenter var påverkade av förändringsarbetet. Resultatet visade att det fanns verkstadschefer som upplevde en konflikt mellan arbetsliv och privatliv men även de som upplevde en balans.

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